Sunday, May 3, 2009

Blessed Marriage: You Should Love Who You Married

My thought why you should love your married.

I think the word "love" is thrown around a bit nonchalantly. Right? People say that love, but do nothing to demonstrate that love. Love must act for its purpose. So when I say "the love that you married," which means to you in marriage. This is what love is!

Let's look at 6 biblically based principles to the different areas of love.

"Love is patient, love is kind. It is not jealous, not bragging, it is not proud. It is not rude, not selfish, not easily chat, but no records of wrong. Deliciosos Love is not evil, but happy with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes always preserved. "1 Corinthians 13:4-7

1. Love is patient! You are patient with your spouse? Patience is a virtue. It is a great character attribute patience and practice. You are using the opportunities God gave him? You're sick, or are easily irritated and angry?

You hear what your spouse has to say? Thank You and understanding their needs and desires? Be patient with your spouse is a way to provide love for them.

2. Love does not envy! You are jealous of who you married? Always jealous of your man again?

Resentment runs rampant in marriages today, and is literally tear apart homes! Do not want any resentment still tears his marriage, is not it?

So often I hear me as houses that are resentful of their husbands for one reason or another, especially on small things that should be discussed only! Put what they do? Like it! Have conversation with your wife today?

3. Love is not selfish! This is a biggy! I talk a little about the selfishness in my book, "Journey to the road less travel, and many of my articles. Why? I think it's a big problem with young people, although not always visible.

I know how selfish spouse can rip the others down with them. I went there and did it. I was not learning to give of myself, that I blew the boy grow. I was so in the "I" and thus left the field for my wedding, until you find the love of Jesus for my life.

We all have some talents that seem selfish intense at the time. But some of us are so selfish in marriage that we do not know how to give of ourselves in everything! Many problems of selfish behavior, but usually the absence of the spiritual Christ to intervene in our psyche. What we do in our mind is what will output to others, especially the person we married.

That is why we insist on previous articles, for a healthy and a good marriage, houses need to take care of themselves, then and only then, can contribute to the marriage.

4. Love is not easily Angered! You're angry with his wife more than anything! Now I can be impatient and intolerable behavior with your spouse?

The problem could be charging Underline your anger? To quickly anger, something deeper is bothering you. Until the root of that anger to stay within your inner psyche ready for abuse on the road. If you abuse your wife makes you angry feelings, you leave the house. It is wrong to rebuke your spouse with bad feelings of anger and hurt them bad.

"My dear brother, note the following: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to make angry, because the man will not just of life that God wants." James 1:19-20

"A dashing man awaken the discrepancy, but a patient man calms a quarrel." Proverbs 15:18

6. Love not pleasure in Evil happy, but the truth! This must be the champion of all aspects of love, because they follow this simple principle, does not need any rules to tell us how to love, or what love is. This simple verse speaks for itself, but for some of you, perhaps you are not sure that is true.

The truth is that it will be free of all these unpleasant aspects of his character, such as anger, resentment, envy, jealousy and struggle. Indeed, these feelings are just around you in your head. They can be your life or find a new way of life.

If you want to be free of those feelings you need to find the truth, right? You need to know the truth, right?

Deep asked, the truth is free, not only our weaknesses but also our people within this new reality. Once you start using the truth in our lives that can easily fail to transport around a feeling bitter and negative attitude that we have.

Simply put, the truth is God's words of wisdom. We walk in the truth, God is true when we are in our lives.

Bottom line, the person who wisdom love your spouse, faithful, honest, reliable, relevant, trust God, for God first, the area of evil know wrong, listen and learn and apply the wisdom of his life and marriage.

"Blessed is the man who finds wisdom, the man who won understanding that it is more profitable to silver and yields better returns than gold. She is more precious than blond, nothing can compare to like her.

Long life is your right in his left hand are riches and honor. His ways are pleasant and all its paths are paths of peace. She is a tree of life for those who embrace her, those in possession of it will be blessed. "Proverbs 3:13-18

And that's the truth! You have the wisdom of love, who he married?

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