Sunday, May 3, 2009

3 Factors For Blessed Marriage

Some tips for blessed marriage.

Happily Ever After is not a fairy tale. There are couples who have been happily married for years. What do these marriages are very well until his death? I do not think there is one factor keeping couples together forever. I think there are several factors all rolled together, which, together, and now they are.

1. Commitment

The most important and most of it, that marriage is a commitment. There is no doubt in my mind that of your wedding is a major factor in its longevity. Couples who are committed are likely to work through their differences and find a compromise solution. They are well aware of the blessing that marriage can bring, and I think, because of their commitment, they are tolerant of each other's shortcomings. Couples who are committed to generally accept others for who they are and not try to move to another.

2. Respect

The second most important factor is a healthy, productive, and abundance of marriage must respect each other in the position of the house. Example, I respect my husband and his position. I disclosed in these areas in particular where I need it because I respect his assessment, and guidance. I understand that this is how he shows his love for his family. I have full confidence in my husband that he will lead his family, how he or she should be under the direction of Jesus Christ.

My husband respects my position. If my husband is not me, it does not care what I did with my life, not to protect myself, how it is with God. As a spiritual leader in the marriage works. We must allow our husbands are masculine influence in the house, because that is what works! I have three of the teenage son and I want their father is a man, about our house. What kind of impact we could shows three son when the father cringed in fear, although I am constantly belittled him and bossed him?

I did the research, which is arrogant and domineering wife and mother is not good, as young boys growing up years. It calls into question their identity and, later, when they are older, they feel they have failed, because the young men, and they have ideas that are not of God. The man on the influence and spiritual authority, which is how he shows his love for his wife and family. This is how people can really show her love for him!

I am fortunate not to leave home and the workplace, because in my daily responsibilities at home. Home-school my son two hours cooking meals, cleaning, gardening, our writing projects, we update our marriage ministry and manages everything else, I can honestly say that my life and marriage are blessed .

What would happen if my husband belittled my kitchen, or reprimanded for me how to clean the house, or do not like how I expressed myself on paper? I would not be luckier, because I'm in them should be attacked. A man should never deal with that way! A husband who takes care of his wife in this way is not a very happy marriage.

By the same token, if I mock the words of my husband and direction of his family? Now, is it good? But if I had been reprimanded for the way he dresses or disciplines the children? It should not be disrespectful? Of course it is. These attitudes are literally tearing a person and it is to break the marriage, and more!

3. Communication

So, that said, the last factor, which, fortunately, since marriage is the acceptance of others, which is really another form has been submitted for consideration. When we allow everyone to do what each does best, we are each other, which is the Bible. Be tolerant and loving of each other is what God wants from us.

Her husband, attentive and observe how we treat your wife. Be gentle with her always be grateful that God blessed you, you are a married woman. She needs support and love of life. Take time for him. If there is something specific you want for dinner, let them know, but does not the cuisine or intended to be with the Lord. It is.

His wife, pay attention and watch how we treat your husband. Surrender of his influential position, that God gave to him and give him "to be" man of the house. Remember when a man protects you against damage and tells you what is best for you, it probably is not selfish, but his way of showing how much he loves you. Do not minimize the harsh words of criticism or to treat him as one of the children. An appeal is the husband of the love of his family to let him do, and happy marriage is forever.

Angie Lewis is the author of three books of the offer of marriage and marriage counseling wisdom filled answers to questions such as the fight against drug addiction, adultery, pornography, emotions, beliefs, feelings, marriage, children, forgiveness, communication, submission and spiritual influence at home.

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